ORSIS Statutes (English)
Statutes of the Operations Research Society of Israel (approved 15.10.2008)
Registered association: 58-003-833-9
1. Name of the Organization
1.1. The name of the organization is “The Operations Research Society of Israel”.
1.2. The name of the organization in Hebrew is: .”האגודה הישראלית לחקר ביצועים”
1.3. “Operations Research” includes the fields of activities normally comprehended by that term, operations analysis, system analysis and quantitative management sciences.
2. Purpose of the organization
The purpose of the organization is the advancement of the methods and applications of Operations Research in Israel by means of:
2.1. Conferences at which original research papers are to be presented, and creation of appropriate means and conditions for exchange and dissemination of knowledge in Operations Research.
2.2. Strengthening of contacts among people engaged in Operations Research.
2.3. Initiation and encouragement of educational, instructional, and research activities in Operations Research.
2.4. Establishment and maintenance of contacts with societies, institutions, and individuals, working in Operations Research or in related fields of science throughout the world, and representation of Israel in international meetings on Operations Research.
2.5. Dissemination of knowledge and utilization of Operations Research in industry, commerce, public services, government and defense systems, by collaboration with institutions and organizations in those fields, in activities of mutual interest.
3. Membership
3.1. There shall be three classes of membership in the organization, which are: Member, Student Associate and Institutional Associate. Membership in the organization is not conditional upon nationality or geographical location of residence of the individual or institution.
3.2. People engaged or actively engaged in Operations Research as researchers, teachers or heads of research groups may be admitted as Members, provided they have professional experience of at least three years, demonstrating high professional ability. All members of the organization have equal privileges, including voting rights.
3.3. Students who support the goals the organization, who are attending accredited institutions of higher education, may be admitted as Student-Associate members.
3.4. Companies, organizations and institutions interested in supporting the goals of the organization can be accepted as Institutional-Associate members.
3.5. The privileges of Associates (Student and Institutional Associates) shall be the same as those of Members, except that they shall not be entitled to vote or hold certain offices, as stated in the Statutes of the organization.
4. Institutions of the Society
The permanent institutions of the organization shall be the General Assembly, the Council, and the Executive Committee (called here the Executive), the Membership Committee and the Program Committee:
4.1. The Council
In the Council will serve the president (chairman), former president, deputy president, secretary, treasurer and three elected members. All members of the Council shall be Members of the organization. The Council will be responsible for determining the policy of the organization in all fields of its activity.
4.2. The Executive
The members of the Executive will be the President (as chairman), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the chairman of the permanent committees. The Executive shall be responsible for the execution of the policies of the organization as determined by the Council. The Executive will also be responsible for the routine administration of the organization. The Executive shall report to the Council.
4.3. The General Assembly
A General Assembly of the members shall take place at least once a year. The date of the meeting shall be determined by the Council. An announcement of the date of the General Assembly shall be sent in writing to all members of the organization at least three weeks in advance. If at the time set there will not be a quorum of at least one third of members, the General Assembly will be held half an hour later at any quorum. Efforts will be made to hold the General Assembly during the annual conference.
The General Assembly is the highest authority of the organization. Its principal function is to decide by vote on all matters brought before it, according to the procedures detailed in the Statues of the organization. The President of the organization will serve as the chairman of the General Assembly.
The Council may, if it considers it necessary, convene a General Assembly at any time Extraordinary. In addition, it must convene a General Assembly at any time Extraordinary if a written request is received from the audit committee, the audit body or of at least one-tenth of the members of the organization.
4.4. Permanent Committees
The Council shall appoint every three years two permanent committees, namely: a Membership committee whose members are the president and secretary of the organization and a Program committee which comprises three members. Only a member of the organization may serve on a permanent committee. The Membership committee shall be concerned with all matters having to do with admission of new members and associates to the organization. The Program committee shall be concerned with an annual conference of the members and associates of the organization and shall also arrange additional professional conferences in accordance with the needs and aims of the organization. The President of the organization shall be ex-officio member of all permanent committees. The Council shall appoint additional permanent or temporary committees as needed.
Every three years the General Assembly will appoint an Audit committee of two members or else be appointed an auditor accountant. The Audit committee or audit body will review the organization’s financial affairs and its accounting books, and bring before the General Assembly its recommendations regarding the approval of the financial reports statements.
5. Roles of institutions and work procedures
5.1. The Council shall meet at least four times during the period of its service. Once immediately after its election to appoint permanent committees and determine its policy for the next three years, and every year before the date of the General Assembly in order to approve the annual activity report, including annual financial reports and the General Assembly agenda. Additional meetings of the Council will be held on the date determined by the President. Four members shall constitute a quorum.
5.2. The Council shall be elected by the members of the organization every three years. The election procedure will be as follows: The Council shall appoint an Election committee consisting of three members. This committee shall prepare a list of candidates together with the proposed roles. This list, together with a special form for additional nominations will be sent in writing to all members and associates of the organization at least six weeks before the date of the election. Members and associates of the organization will be entitled to propose other candidates, provided nominations are submitted to the Election committee at least three weeks before the date of the election. No member will be nominated as a candidate for the Council unless the member’s written consent was attached to the nomination. Three weeks before the date of the election the Secretary of the organization will send official election forms with the names of the candidates for the various offices to every member of the society. Members will choose candidates with appropriate markings on the forms and return it to the Secretary of the organization in sealed envelopes bearing their names. Counting of votes will be carried out by members appointed for that purpose by the President. A member who wishes to be present at the counting of the votes should inform the Election Committee three weeks before the date of the election. In case of equal votes for two candidates (or more), the president’s voice will decide. Results of the elections will be announced to the members of the organization in writing. The new council takes office at the conclusion of the election.
5.3. The Executive of the organization will meet on dates to be determined by the President. Minutes of all Executive meetings shall be prepared by the secretary and sent to the members of the Council. Towards the end of the term of office the Executive committee will submit to the council a report on the activities of the organization during its term. Quorum for Executive meetings will be considered a number of at least three members.
5.4. Resolutions of the Council and the Executive committees shall be taken by a simple majority. In the event of a tie the President’s vote shall decide.
5.5. The General Assembly shall be convened at least once a year on a date determined by the Council (See Section 4.3). Towards that date the Council will prepare a report which will be submitted to the General Assembly and prepare the agenda of the meeting. The General Assembly will approve the agenda by a vote before the beginning of the deliberations. The General Assembly is authorized to extend the tenure of the governing Council by one year only once. The Council is entitled to convene extraordinary general meeting, if necessary (see Section 4.3).
5.6. The President shall be Chairman of the General Assembly, Council and Executive. The President will also be an ex-officio member of all permanent committees.
5.7. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the functions of the President.
5.8. The Secretary shall be present at meetings of the Council, Executive and General Assembly. The role of the Secretary is to conduct the correspondence of the organization and to prepare material for meetings.
5.9. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial activities of the organization and to the management of its books. Authorized signatories will be: Treasurer and at least two other members of the organization who are not members of the Audit committee, to be determined by the Council.
5.10. In the event of a member of the Executive being unable to perform the duties of his/her office, the Executive shall appoint a substitute to serve until the end date of service. Similarly, the Council shall appoint a substitute member of a Council member who is unable to perform his/her duties until the end date of service.
5.11. The President cannot be elected continuously for more than one term (usually three years). The other members of the council, except the Secretary and Treasurer, will not be able to be elected to the same role for more than two consecutive terms in a row (usually six years).
5.12. Any person wishing to join the organization will officially fill a request form (depending on the type of membership). The application form will be sent to the Membership Committee who will decide whether to accept the candidate. In the case of an affirmative decision the Membership Committee will also determine the membership type of the candidate. An application form for Member status must include the names of two members of the organization who are willing to recommend the candidate. A candidate whose application is rejected by the Membership Committee will be able to appeal to the Council. The Council’s decision will be final.
5.13. Membership dues in the different types of memberships shall be fixed by the Council and shall be paid through the Treasurer of the organization at the beginning of January of each year.
5.14. The Council has the authority to terminate the membership of any member who is in arrears in his/her due payments. The Council also has the authority to terminate the membership of any member whose behavior damages the organization or is harmful for its reputation. A decision to terminate membership must be unanimous.
6. Changes in the Statutes
6.1. The statutes of the organization shall not be changed by addition, deletion or alteration of wording or content except for the following procedures:
6.1.1. The proposed change is prepared by the Council or submitted to the President signed by at least ten members.
6.1.2. The proposed change is circulated by mail among all members of the organization.
6.1.3. The proposed change is discussed by the General Assembly, either in regular or Extraordinary meeting.
6.1.4. After the discussion, the proposed change is voted upon in writing (by mail) between all members of the organization.
6.1.5. The proposed change receives a simple majority of the votes cast.
The initiators of the proposed change have the right to amend the text of the proposal before it was submitted to a vote as a result of the discussion at the General Assembly.
6.2. The Council has the authority to adopt by-laws which do not conflict with the spirit and content of the Statutes or with the goals of the organization. A by-law may be adopted by at least two-thirds majority of the total membership of the Council.
7. Use of the Property and Dissolution of the Organization
7.1. In the event of a voluntary dissolution of the organization, its property shall be transferred to some recognized public body, to be determined by the regular or Extraordinary General Assembly, which shall decide on the dissolution.
7.2. In no event will all or part of the property or funds of the organization be divided among its members. Neither shall the property of the organization be utilized except for a public purpose.